Private Investigation Service Management

The procedures arise from the need for proper organization within AGENTES PRIVADOS MOCH INC, the largest private investigative organization. It is essential to have an organizational structure that guarantees effective management:

The confidentiality of client information.
The legality of the services we offer.
The organization of investigations.
The physical integrity of the company’s personnel.
The guarantee of investigations adhering to scientific research standards.
The first step was the legal establishment of Agentes Privados Moch Inc., constituted as a legal company.

To ensure the confidentiality of information, we have created an information management system as follows:

All information is processed within the Directorate of Investigations, and only the CEO, President, and Regional or Zonal Director of Investigations have access to client information.

The organization of investigations is managed by the Directorate of Investigations.

To maintain the integrity of the investigators, several protection systems have been created for the different investigators:

In no report delivered to clients, which may be used as a legal document, does the investigator’s name appear.
There is no record of the investigator’s name in case assignments; it is done through animal names and codes: owl 64, rabbit 219, etc. These references are used internally, and these names are periodically changed and never reused.
If any organization or institution decides to investigate the people working in our organization, their identity is handled with great secrecy. There is no record of employment, no payment of social security contributions, or payroll, which prevents any legal or criminal responsibility for the personnel working at the company.
The website and its associated email address are protected by two firewalls to prevent hacking, and use the HTTPS system for data encryption. Additionally, all received information is deleted after one month and is not stored in any archive, allowing for email communication that leaves no record after one month of any material sent or received by investigators or company personnel. Therefore, communication through this email is recommended.
These measures reflect our attention to detail concerning the security of the personnel working at the company.

The general situation at the start of the Company was characterized by the absence of quality service throughout the Americas, integrated operational systems, legal personhood, qualified personnel, and a series of components that ensure investigations are conducted with the scientific rigor they deserve.

These various conditions aimed at satisfying the need for information from our clients were successfully achieved, leading to unprecedented success in the history of Latin America in the field of Private Investigation.

At this point, the company “AGENTES PRIVADOS MOCH INC” does not seek any governmental recognition for its collaboration in policies and the improvement of the quality of life of the people benefited by an investigation, which is expressed in objective outcomes, seriousness, commitment to the truth, veracity, and integrity.

Our interest, as a legal organization in the world of investigations, is to improve people’s quality of life by delivering the truth about the facts uncovered in an investigation. It is also gratifying to know that the Ecuadorian state, through its various agencies, has collaborated like no other Government in providing attention to the legality of this service, allowing for significant improvements in this reality.

All of the above leads to a clear and emphatic statement: “AGENTES PRIVADOS MOCH INC” does not accept any cases or under any conditions that would compromise the social, human, or psychological integrity of individuals or organizations under investigation. The service we offer is wholly dedicated to helping improve quality of life.

It is regrettable for us to observe how individuals, organizations, and companies use their power of persuasion to defraud people by offering services that are impossible to perform, providing false guarantees, and offering biased or false information. Our company has very clear concepts and policies in this regard, which have allowed us to work with individuals and legal entities in the private and public sectors worldwide with total transparency and effectiveness.

This commitment to legality and proper procedures will lay the foundation for developing a true service that supports obtaining information in a scientific and organized manner.

The company AGENTES PRIVADOS MOCH INC exists thanks to all the people who are part of it. Regarding societal terms, we do not care if we are called Detectives, Agents, Investigators, or Spies. What matters to us is working with and for society; it does not matter what we are called; what matters is how we live from now on—with hope, with faith in a tomorrow that fosters collaboration towards the truth.

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