Evaluation Process Overview
Evaluation is an integral, systematic, and continuous process that allows us to assess the changes and progress made by students in their learning, the effectiveness of the techniques employed, the scientific and pedagogical capacity of the educator, the quality of the didactic materials, and everything related to the educational process.
To comprehensively evaluate the achievement of competencies, we aim to assess the different aspects of human complexity, guided by learning objectives and taking into account the knowledge, skills, and attitudes acquired by students throughout the process.
Evaluation in Each Subject
Each subject includes various exercises, some of which require online exams, while others require the submission of assignments. To this end, please follow the instructions provided for each element of the subject.
Once this process is completed, detailed information on the distance evaluation submitted by you will be provided.
To check your subject’s results, you can request them by emailing info@privatedetectivecourse.us
Evaluation Methods in Distance Learning
In our educational model, we use both self-evaluation and heteroevaluation. Below is a brief explanation of how each type of evaluation is operationalized in the Distance Learning Modality.
a. Self-Evaluation
Self-evaluation encourages students to take responsibility for monitoring and improving their own learning by recognizing their progress and weaknesses, reflecting on the process, and providing feedback at the end of each unit. It has a formative character, so no grade is assigned.
b. Heteroevaluation
Heteroevaluation is the evaluation carried out by the teacher concerning their students. It plays an important role in the teaching-learning process by providing data and possibilities for assessing the student’s work, performance, and achievements.
In our distance learning system, heteroevaluation is conducted through distance assessments, which serve as a learning strategy that helps students understand and reinforce the knowledge they have acquired.
Types of Distance Evaluations
Several distance evaluations are conducted for each subject, including multiple-choice questions and essay-type assignments that students must complete individually and submit through the Virtual Learning Environment (EVA) on the established dates.
Essay-type assignments require students to utilize their various cognitive abilities; generally, these tasks and exercises involve comprehension, analysis, reflection, research, creativity, and application of knowledge.
Distance evaluations are divided into two types:
Objective Questions: These can be dichotomous (true or false, correct or incorrect, fact or opinion…), matching, completion, short answer, single choice, multiple choice, etc. Their purpose is to help students study and understand the entire subject matter of the corresponding course.
Essay Questions: These include small research tasks, text comments, short synthesis questions, analysis, comparison, application, problem-solving, conceptual maps, etc.