Detective identification number

This number is a created number by our company at the time of issuing the diploma and serves to generate a unique identity for the detective who completes our Detective Course.

The assignment of this number is based on the year of the class, internal performance evaluation multiplied by a constant (secret) number, resulting in a unique number for each Detective, making it easy to identify false numbers from authentic ones.

For example, the number APM-11331-15-88 would be false, but APM-11331-24-73 would be a true number.

Starting with the 2019 class, an additional number was added at the end of the last number. For example, APM-11331-42-109.

This unique number is used for the issuance of the Diploma and the Detective’s Credential. Additionally, this number is used to create a QR code link on the credential, allowing easy identification of the detective by scanning it.

This number cannot be changed or modified once it has been assigned.

For our company, this number is the name of each detective, so internally, we refer to them by this name.

If the Detective does not have their identification number, please request it by sending an email to


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